A word a day

Architecture Kata “A word a day”

Develop a web based service to get a new foreign language word to learn every day.

Users register with an email address and a timespan. After the user confirmed his registration via a link in an registration email the system will send him a foreign language word to learn every day (Monday … Friday) in the timespan given (e.g. between 9:00 and 11:00 each morning). The email contains the foreign word (or phrase) and its translation, eg.

To: petersalz@yahoo.com
Subject: Phrase of the day #123
German: Zwei Fliegen mit einer Klappe schlagen
English: to kill two birds with a stone

At the end of the email there is a link to unsubscribe.

Messages will be counted per user (identified by his email address). Each word will only be sent once.

The service offers only one language.

Variation #1

Registration not confirmed within 14 days will be deleted. Links in confirmation emails will become invalid.

Variation #2

The service offers more than one language. Each registration still is for a selected language. The language will be displayed in the subject of the daily emails.

Variation #3

The dictionary of a language may change at any time. This must not lead to repetitions of words in the daily emails.